Sloan Street, Craigavon, County Armagh, BT66 8NY
028 3832 3312

Post Primary Counsellor


Counselling is talking to someone in confidence about the things that worry or upset us. It is my job to listen to the pupils and help them to sort out their worries. By talking, listening and using creative interventions we can see things differently, understand our options and make different choices.


Issues that can be helped by counselling include;

  • family difficulties
  • bereavement
  • peer difficulties
  • anxiety
  • self esteem issues
  • bullying
  • difficulties in managing emotions
  • behavioural difficulties
  • trauma

I would be happy to discuss with you any questions or concerns you may have about the counselling service. 

Family Works Counselling for Post Primary pupils


Dear Parents, 

In the light of the current health situation and school closures we are very pleased to be able to offer a continuation of the Independent Counselling Service (ICSS) for schools via the medium of online or telephone counselling. 

We recognise that this is an unprecedented situation, but we are fully committed to support the mental health and emotional wellbeing of our pupils. These are unusual times and this brings unusual stressors on young people and their families. There many be anxiety about what will happen in the future, personal health or the health of loved ones. There may be grief over the loss of friendships, routine or people. We want to give a response that is supportive and safe for our young people who are the future of our world. With that in mind let me tell you about the online service

This is a confidential service for young people who would normally attend school from the ages of 11-18. So every year group in your school, even those would leave school this year can still use it. It happens on the same day and time as counselling is usually delivered in school. In Ceara this is a Thursday morning .

If your young person is already receiving counselling you don’t need to do anything. This will continue via telephone or online. The school counsellor will be in contact with them in a few days.

If you have a young person who wants to refer themselves into the ICSS this can be done through the Familyworks website. The address is . You can also refer your young person to the service but you should get their permission to do so first. You can do this by just asking them privately how they might feel about speaking to the school counsellor. It can help to make sure the young person has a quite space to talk to the counsellor away from the rest of the family. There is a button on the website for parents and school staff to refer. 

Ceara Parents need to make the referral for their son/daughter 

The service will be delivered to the same standard as in school and will work under the school’s child protection policy so your young person will be kept safe.


Finally if your young person is already receiving help from CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) that help should continue during this crisis so encourage them to engage with that help. If you feel that your young person is thinking about self-harm or suicide please consult your GP or they can call the lifeline number on 0808 808 8000, or for those who are deaf or hard of hearing  18001 0808 808 8000.

Keep well and keep safe,

Best Wishes,



Ceara Update 

Due to circumstances beyond control we have a new counsellor  in Ceara 

She is called Donna Beatty. 

Donna will be in touch with the parents of pupils who were accessing Counselling in school and seeking to support them in the home during this time.

This may be over the telephone or on-line if this is possible.

Sloan Street, Craigavon, County Armagh, BT66 8NY
028 3832 3312

Post Primary Counsellor


Counselling is talking to someone in confidence about the things that worry or upset us. It is my job to listen to the pupils and help them to sort out their worries. By talking, listening and using creative interventions we can see things differently, understand our options and make different choices.


Issues that can be helped by counselling include;

  • family difficulties
  • bereavement
  • peer difficulties
  • anxiety
  • self esteem issues
  • bullying
  • difficulties in managing emotions
  • behavioural difficulties
  • trauma

I would be happy to discuss with you any questions or concerns you may have about the counselling service. 

Family Works Counselling for Post Primary pupils


Dear Parents, 

In the light of the current health situation and school closures we are very pleased to be able to offer a continuation of the Independent Counselling Service (ICSS) for schools via the medium of online or telephone counselling. 

We recognise that this is an unprecedented situation, but we are fully committed to support the mental health and emotional wellbeing of our pupils. These are unusual times and this brings unusual stressors on young people and their families. There many be anxiety about what will happen in the future, personal health or the health of loved ones. There may be grief over the loss of friendships, routine or people. We want to give a response that is supportive and safe for our young people who are the future of our world. With that in mind let me tell you about the online service

This is a confidential service for young people who would normally attend school from the ages of 11-18. So every year group in your school, even those would leave school this year can still use it. It happens on the same day and time as counselling is usually delivered in school. In Ceara this is a Thursday morning .

If your young person is already receiving counselling you don’t need to do anything. This will continue via telephone or online. The school counsellor will be in contact with them in a few days.

If you have a young person who wants to refer themselves into the ICSS this can be done through the Familyworks website. The address is . You can also refer your young person to the service but you should get their permission to do so first. You can do this by just asking them privately how they might feel about speaking to the school counsellor. It can help to make sure the young person has a quite space to talk to the counsellor away from the rest of the family. There is a button on the website for parents and school staff to refer. 

Ceara Parents need to make the referral for their son/daughter 

The service will be delivered to the same standard as in school and will work under the school’s child protection policy so your young person will be kept safe.


Finally if your young person is already receiving help from CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) that help should continue during this crisis so encourage them to engage with that help. If you feel that your young person is thinking about self-harm or suicide please consult your GP or they can call the lifeline number on 0808 808 8000, or for those who are deaf or hard of hearing  18001 0808 808 8000.

Keep well and keep safe,

Best Wishes,



Ceara Update 

Due to circumstances beyond control we have a new counsellor  in Ceara 

She is called Donna Beatty. 

Donna will be in touch with the parents of pupils who were accessing Counselling in school and seeking to support them in the home during this time.

This may be over the telephone or on-line if this is possible.

Sloan Street, Craigavon, County Armagh, BT66 8NY
028 3832 3312

Post Primary Counsellor


Counselling is talking to someone in confidence about the things that worry or upset us. It is my job to listen to the pupils and help them to sort out their worries. By talking, listening and using creative interventions we can see things differently, understand our options and make different choices.


Issues that can be helped by counselling include;

  • family difficulties
  • bereavement
  • peer difficulties
  • anxiety
  • self esteem issues
  • bullying
  • difficulties in managing emotions
  • behavioural difficulties
  • trauma

I would be happy to discuss with you any questions or concerns you may have about the counselling service. 

Family Works Counselling for Post Primary pupils


Dear Parents, 

In the light of the current health situation and school closures we are very pleased to be able to offer a continuation of the Independent Counselling Service (ICSS) for schools via the medium of online or telephone counselling. 

We recognise that this is an unprecedented situation, but we are fully committed to support the mental health and emotional wellbeing of our pupils. These are unusual times and this brings unusual stressors on young people and their families. There many be anxiety about what will happen in the future, personal health or the health of loved ones. There may be grief over the loss of friendships, routine or people. We want to give a response that is supportive and safe for our young people who are the future of our world. With that in mind let me tell you about the online service

This is a confidential service for young people who would normally attend school from the ages of 11-18. So every year group in your school, even those would leave school this year can still use it. It happens on the same day and time as counselling is usually delivered in school. In Ceara this is a Thursday morning .

If your young person is already receiving counselling you don’t need to do anything. This will continue via telephone or online. The school counsellor will be in contact with them in a few days.

If you have a young person who wants to refer themselves into the ICSS this can be done through the Familyworks website. The address is . You can also refer your young person to the service but you should get their permission to do so first. You can do this by just asking them privately how they might feel about speaking to the school counsellor. It can help to make sure the young person has a quite space to talk to the counsellor away from the rest of the family. There is a button on the website for parents and school staff to refer. 

Ceara Parents need to make the referral for their son/daughter 

The service will be delivered to the same standard as in school and will work under the school’s child protection policy so your young person will be kept safe.


Finally if your young person is already receiving help from CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) that help should continue during this crisis so encourage them to engage with that help. If you feel that your young person is thinking about self-harm or suicide please consult your GP or they can call the lifeline number on 0808 808 8000, or for those who are deaf or hard of hearing  18001 0808 808 8000.

Keep well and keep safe,

Best Wishes,



Ceara Update 

Due to circumstances beyond control we have a new counsellor  in Ceara 

She is called Donna Beatty. 

Donna will be in touch with the parents of pupils who were accessing Counselling in school and seeking to support them in the home during this time.

This may be over the telephone or on-line if this is possible.