028 3832 3312


The Pupils of Ceara can take part in many and varied activities which augment and supplement the Northern Ireland Curriculum, develop pupil skills and confidence.

Detailed in the sub headings are some of the activities offered to pupils this year 2015-16

Many of our pupils take part in Special Olympic events and competitions. Ceara School fully supports pupils' participation in these events. For more information on joining a club: http://www.specialolympics.ie/GETINVOLVED/ULSTER/FINDACLUB.aspx

028 3832 3312


The Pupils of Ceara can take part in many and varied activities which augment and supplement the Northern Ireland Curriculum, develop pupil skills and confidence.

Detailed in the sub headings are some of the activities offered to pupils this year 2015-16

Many of our pupils take part in Special Olympic events and competitions. Ceara School fully supports pupils' participation in these events. For more information on joining a club: http://www.specialolympics.ie/GETINVOLVED/ULSTER/FINDACLUB.aspx